Image Credit: ESA/Herschel/PACS/SPIRE/Hill, Motte, HOBYS Key Programme Consortium

It’s the innate essence of every human gifted with the ability to innovate like no other being found on Earth, to dream and create with limitless imagination. After all, we are created in God’s image. And it’s God who allows us to see and discover all he will enable us to. And all in accordance with His will, not our own. But not all things are within our reach, not even with the most sensitive telescopes and radio satellites. Nor will they ever be in this life as we know it, anyway. That’s why there is a need for God. A God who is very real and leaves enough evidence on Earth to prove His existence. A God who wants to show us a better way to live, not only on Earth but in the future world to come, according to His promises revealed in the most treasured book in history—The Holy Bible.

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